Living in New Jersey we are not required to wear a face mask or cover in any public area. Stores, doctor’s offices, or any place where we could come in contact with someone who isn’t a member of our household. PPE or personal protective equipment is still in shortage for our healthcare workers. Cloth or handmade face masks or coverings are acceptable and required in many areas now. Because of this, I’ve rounded up a huge list of free patterns and tutorials to make your own.
Personal Protective Equipment
None of the included masks replace medical grade, N95, or other high protective gear. Please don’t expect this in any of these patterns. But, if you need to wear a mask when you’ll be around other people, these patterns might be what you’re looking for.
The CDC offers some information on making and wearing a face mask during this time to help reduce the spread of Covid-19.
I suggest each person have a few masks. Every time one is worn, it needs to be washed. Always remember to put your mask on with clean hands and remove it when you can clean your hands immediately after.
The patterns are broken up into a few lists, to help you find a pattern that will work best for your needs and skill levels.
Remember to wash your hands as often as possible to reduce the spread. And take care of your skin with these tips to care for dry over-washed hands.
Let’s all do our part to stay safe!
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