The Art of Friendship and a Little Surprise
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The Art of Friendship and a Little Surprise

Make Time for Friends: The Inspiration Behind My Latest Design Lately, I’ve been fully immersed in design work, creating exciting new projects. However, I recently took a much-needed break to enjoy an impromptu cocktail hour with some of my closest friends. That gathering was a delightful reminder of the importance of spending quality time with…

Why Design Bootcamp?
Design | Shop

Why Design Bootcamp?

In the fall of 2021, I was looking for guidance on how to take my crafting from a hobby to a business. Even though I have a degree in marketing, I knew I needed to improve my graphic design skills to grow and achieve my goals.  The online algorithm gods placed Carina Gardner in my…

DIY Photo Grid Wall

DIY Photo Grid Wall

Twelve years in our old house and I had pictures all over the walls. Five years in our new house and I only had photo walls on walls I was planning tearing down or completely redoing eventually. Now that all of the major renovations are done, it’s time to start adding artwork to some of…