Let's celebrate the versatility of chocolate chips! What's your favorite recipe? Plus link up at Home Matters. #ChocolateChips #HomeMattersParty DomesticDeadline.com
Home Matters Linky Party

Chocolate Chips, Let’s Celebrate! + HM #250

Chocolate chips, there’s just something about how those little drops of chocolate perfection. We have a jar sitting on our kitchen shelves and it always amazes me how often I find it empty! The whole family sneaks a little handful here and there. Join us here at Home Matters Party as we celebrate chocolate chips….



All the posts about our kitchen renovation right here! From before to after we are still often amazed by the results. Tearing down walls, new electrical, everything. All the hard work was worth it!

Be inspired by Printables! Download or create your own. Plus link up at Home Matters with recipes, crafts, decor, DIY, more. #Printables #HomeMattersParty DomesticDeadline.com
Home Matters Linky Party

Printables – Download or Create Your Own + HM #249

Today’s Home Matter’s Link Party is all about printables! I’m really excited about this. Not only do I enjoy making my own, but I recently put together some binders from printables. These binders are really helping me to finally feel organized! Just in the nick of time, too… I’m adding PTO President to my plate…