Summer is the time for fruits, veggies, roses, and more. Find great tips for your garden, delicious recipe ideas, tablescapes, and more for your bountiful harvest. Plus, link up at Home Matters with recipes, DIY, crafts, decor. #Fruit #Veggies #Roses #HomeMattersParty
Home Matters Linky Party

Fruits, Veggies, Roses – It’s That Time + HM #188

Did you know it was National Fruit, Veggies and Roses Month? It was news to me, but it makes perfect sense. The weather is finally nice, flowers are blooming, so of course, it’s fresh fruit and veggie season. We still haven’t managed to plant fruits and veggies at our new house, hopefully, next summer. But, we have…

Every year I look forward to summer. Often I have a huge list of things I want to accomplish, usually way more than I actually can. This year I'm listing my plans and goals for while I'm traveling and home. Improving my photography tops the list.

Summer Goals

Every summer the kids and I travel to Ohio to Lake Erie and spend several weeks with family. I grew up on the shores of Lake Erie, every summer of my life. As the 6th generation in Linwood Park, I love that my children find it their sanctuary too. Last year my mom started letting the…