Could you use a little extra cash for Christmas? Enter for the chance to win one of 5 gift cards just in time for Black Friday
Christmas | Other

Cash for Christmas

I am not one to rush the holidays. Walking into a store a few days before Halloween and seeing everything ready for Christmas drives me crazy. But, I also like to have my gift shopping done as early as possible. It enables me to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas so much more. Having the shopping done…

Discover a simple secret to perfect gift giving and a less stressful holiday season. Including a free gift tracker printable. Discover Jane www,
Christmas | Holidays | Product Review

Discover Perfect Gift Giving, Discover Jane

Raise your hand if you love hitting the mall the week before Christmas! Or worse, the day before! Yes, I have had many years of last-minute Christmas shopping. And every year I would promise myself to be more organized before for the next Christmas. I’m happy to say, Christmas is still several weeks away and…

Use leftover fabric and freebie tote bags to make custom reusable gift bags to gift wrap your holiday gifts this Christmas season. Plus more upcycled projects
Christmas | Design | Holidays | Sewing

Reusable Gift Wrap Gift Bags – Upcycle Challenge

I love joining challenges to motivate me to work on projects and use up my craft supplies. This month I’m doing an upcycle challenge with several other bloggers. The theme for this upcycle challenge is thrifted or found fabric. For several months now, I’ve been avoiding my local thrift store. Frequent visits often result in…

Christmas | Holidays

Christmas Tree

We’ve decked the halls, now it’s time to trim the tree! The final day of the 12 Days of Christmas Blog Hop is upon us. Today we’ll be sharing our Christmas trees. In the past, I have always let the kids decorate the tree, occasionally moving some ornaments later. This year, I was a bit…