Now that school is done, I’m finally feeling like I can get back to normal… even though my summer will be anything but normal. One way I’m trying to get back to normal is getting back into blog group challenges. Today I’m joining up with the Creative Crafter’s Group and our theme is patriotism. And since there is no real normalcy, in this house, patriotism isn’t always red, white, and blue. This is what patriotism means to me In This House.
In This House
For Christmas this past year, I made an “In This House” sign for my sister. There are lots of versions of these floating around, but for her I made one incorporating all the ones she sent me pictures of.
She was thrilled. And I decided I wanted one too.
Except, I never got to making one for myself.
Lately it became important that I make one for myself and display it proudly.
Fourth of July and red, white, and blue usually signify patriotic.
But the words on this sign, in rainbow color, are what patriotism means to me.

Cricut Version
When I made the first In This House for my sister, I knew I would be shipping it to her. Looking for a lighter option than making a sign, I found these great pallets by Plaid.
They worked out so great, I ordered a whole bunch so I could make several of the signs floating around in my head!

And one nice day, I stained them all different. Playing around with whatever stain I had in the garage.

Once they were dry, it was time to make a stencil! Using my Cricut to lay out my In This House design saves me so much time.
I held off on a Cricut for years. Then I actually didn’t open and start using it for months because it intimidated me… I’m still learning all the great things I can do with it, but I do wish I’d given in sooner! It’s so much fun and there are so many awesome things I can make with it.
The first thing I used my Cricut for was making stencils for painting signs. There are lots of great tricks for making signs without a Cricut. Plus, I’m fortunate to have good handwriting and can freehand paint lettered signs if I want. It’s how I made my giant Believe sign we use every year at Christmas.
But making a stencil with my Cricut is so easy and saves me so much time! And I get even better results than hand painting or any of the other techniques I’ve used in the past. Stencil making is what gives my Cricut the biggest workout.
Looks like I didn’t take pictures of the stenciling process! Picture it in your mind, blue stencil vinyl applied to the wood, and then covered in rainbow paint. Basically, the same process as I photographed for my Like a Good Neighbor doormat.
Once the paint dried, I removed the stencil and hung it up!

Right now it’s hanging right outside our front door. Even though I haven’t weather proofed it yet, it’s hanging in a covered and fairly protected area.
Printable Verison
My daughters liked my In This House pallet sign so much, I decided to make a printable version as well.

The image above is watermarked. But you can grab a free copy using the code BLM2020 from the Domestic Deadline Market.
I’m offering it for a nominal fee. If you choose to pay for it, the profits from this printable will be donated. The specific organization will change as I have a few that align with my views I would like to support.
What is patriotic to me is definitely a little different than normal. But everyone’s normalcy has been rocked over the past few months. I choose to embrace the change.
Creative Crafter’s Patriotic Challenge
Be sure to check out all the great patriotic crafts and link up your own!
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