It’s been a goal of mine since I switched focuses from blogging and overall creating to digital designing to share a monthly free file.
Last month I shared the Friends 3D Shadow Box Card. One of the things I love about designing my own files is being able to create something I have an idea for. Then I not only got to make the card for my friends, but share the file with my subscribers. The card is available in my Etsy shop if you missed last month’s freebie.
Wake Me Up When September Ends
Ok, not really! The month just started!
But the month has been busy already. Not only are all my kids back in school, so am I! It’s been twenty-five years since I had a first day of school picture of my own, but here it is if you missed it on Instagram.

Yes, it’s from my office. I’m going back to school online at the University of Arts and Design to get my Master’s Degree in Design. I’m so excited about it. And, I couldn’t believe how nervous I was to push submit on my first quiz. But not only did I accomplish my first week of class but I wrote two papers and took a few quizzes already.
The program is something I learned about from Design Suite. Here’s my not so subtle plug of the amazing Design Suite. If you’re interested in becoming a designer, even if going back to school to get a Masters isn’t the for you, the program has so much to offer. Check it out here.
The timing is great for me with my oldest in her last year of nursing school, my middle a junior in college (also studying Graphic Design), and my youngest is a junior in high school at our county vocational school studying Auto Technology.
September Free SVG File
I know, I’m babbling even in type. The real reason you’re here is to grab the September Free SVG file. If you’re already on my mailing list, it’s probably already in your inbox. You can find the link to it in your email.
If you’re not a subscriber, you’re missing out! Fill out the form below and I’ll send you the download link for this cute free ghost SVG file.

This is a part of a larger bundle of Halloween SVG designs available in my Etsy shop but will also be part of the daily free files one day soon in my SoFontsy store.
Don’t wait until September ends to grab this because Halloween and October will be here before we know it! If you use the file, I’d love to see what you do with it. Also, leave me a comment for something you’re looking for in the upcoming months in my free files, I’d love to design something you’re looking for.