Christmas is just a week away, I can’t believe it! Right now, I’m sitting by the fire with my Christmas tree lights on. And I’m checking out all the great posts linked up to the Happy Holidays Link Party. It’s time to share some features.

Picking a few favorites for link party features is always tough. There are so many great ideas linked up.
I recently found out a good friend of mine loves anything with a red truck, you know, the cute vintage red truck pictured with a tree in the back?
Now that I know this, I can’t help checking out everything I find with a red truck. So, I’ve decided to feature vintage red truck projects today.

I can’t get over this truck made from crates by Chas’ Crazy Creations. What a clever idea!

And I love the truck in the middle of this wreath from Debbee’s Buzz. Recently I grabbed a few spools of white ribbon with the red truck all over it, now I just have to find a cute truck for the center and I can make my own.

A few of my girlfriends and I made signs at my house last weekend. One did have a red truck on it! But I’m also loving the quotes on the other two signs from Unique Creations by Anita.
I really rocked black and white buffalo check at my house this year, and the red truck does go nicely with it… and there is still time to make some more projects…
If you didn’t check out all the great links, be sure to hop over there now!